Peter Laird氏のブログで市場の分析を行い、非常にわかりやすいキーワードの分類と、それぞれのキーワードに属するベンダーのリストアップを行った記事。
Understanding the Cloud Computing/SaaS/PaaS markets: a Map of the Players in the Industry
The Cloud Computing/SaaS/PaaS space is loaded with interesting vendors, and the space is booming. If you are trying to navigate this world and need a guide, this blog entry will help. We have assembled a visual map of the industry, showing how the major players fit into the overall space. It will give you an overview of who's who, and what types of solutions are being offered.
I was greatly assisted by Kent Dickson, VP of Product Management for SaaS at BEA, in building this map. Steve Bobrowski, Director of SaaS Evangelism, also contributed comments. Thanks to both!
Defining the Markets
Before we look at the map, we need to define the major areas that we are covering. Note that in many ways these markets overlap so trying to differentiate which solution is in which is not a meaningful exercise. Needless to say, drawing out the map is a subjective effort, and not all solutions fit neatly into their assigned bucket. The purpose of the visual map is not to address subtleties, but to draw the industry in general terms.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing refers to the virtualization of the data center, such that server machines are not thought of individually but as just a commodity in a greater collection of server machines. Cloud computing solutions in general strive to eliminate the need for an application deployer to be aware of the actual physical machines that are used to host the application. Some have called this idea "hardware as a service".
Solutions that are most closely associated with the Cloud Computing market are indicated with the
icon on the map.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
An application that is delivered through the SaaS model typically is done so:
- Over the internet,
- Remotely by a third party, with little/no opportunity to bring that application in-house
- With a usage-based pricing model
Solutions that are most closely associated with the SaaS market are indicated with the
icon on the map.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
When a vendor offers a Platform as a Service, they are offering an integrated platform to build, test, and deploy custom applications. The PaaS is offered to you in a SaaS model (remote, usage-based). Dion Hinchliffe recently published a comprehensive whitepaper on this topic.
The PaaS market is indicated with the
icon in the map view.
Core Cloud Services
After defining the 3 markets, there remains a set of solutions that contribute to all as fundamental building blocks. In other words, these solutions address cross cutting concerns.
In the map they are marked with a distinct icon
to set them apart.
The Visual Map
Below is the visual map as promised. You will find a larger version hosted here. An explanation of each category and a full clickable URL list of the solutions is offered below the map.
If you wish to make changes, the original mind map drawing file assets are located here. Please post comments with your thoughts, or use this map as a basis for your own vision of the industry. Please give credit back to the original source (see Creative Commons) if you do.
Defining the Solution Groupings
In the map, we grouped solutions according to the problems they aim to solve. This section details the intent of each category.
Please note that for every category, there are more vendors that could be included. We are not attempting to provide a comprehensive list of every player in the industry. THINKStrategies created the SaaS Showplace if that is what you are looking for.
This map only shows solutions that are both 1) available in some form today, and 2) have significant mindshare in the industry. Feedback is appreciated if you disagree with any solution that was included or excluded.
Left Side
Cloud Providers - vendors who provide server hardware in commodity form, as a virtualized cloud
Cloud Deployment - solutions surrounding the deployment of applications to a virtualized cloud
Virtual Appliances - packaging and virtualization format solutions for provisioning applications into a cloud
Topology Management - solutions focused on the coordination of many virtual appliances (app, DB, network) in the cloud to form a full deployment
Billing, Contract Management - solutions that provide metering, billing, pricing, and contract management to help charge for use of a system
Security - solutions focused on solving security requirements in these markets
Data - services that deliver/retain data for applications
Hosters 2.0 - Hosting Service Providers with SaaS focus. Perhaps a controversial grouping and impossible to define, these hosters tend to appear over and over in these markets
Nerd Stuff - geeky topics fall into this category. MapReduce is mechanism for solving large computing tasks, like Google Search indexing
Right Side
On Demand Apps - the heart of the SaaS market, only a few depicted here but we could add "...and a cast of thousands". These are the end application products offered for consumption in a SaaS model
Integration as a Service - service solutions that help in integrating multiple systems, possibly multiple SaaS systems
Content as a Service - hosted content repositories
BPM and Workflow - service based offerings for managing workflow and process
Platform as a Service - incarnations of the PaaS concept
Reference Solutions List (with clickable links)
Cloud Computing,
SaaS, and PaaS
- Cloud Providers
- On Demand Apps
- Integration as a Service
- Content as a Service
- BPM and Workflow
- Platform as a Service
(PaaS) - Cloud Deployment
- Virtual Appliances
- Topology Management
- Billing, Contract Mgmt
- Security
- Data
- Storage as a Service
- Database as a Service
- Hosters 2.0
- Nerd Stuff