
CloudBursting: ハイブリッドCloud Computing

Amazon Web ServicesのJeff Barr氏のコメントによる、Cloud Burstingというソリューションの紹介。 
企業のIT環境にCloud Computingを統合する手法としてCloud Burstingという手法を提唱している。 
  • 企業内のITは現状維持。 セキュリティの問題、Availabilityの問題など、Cloud Computingに関する懸念は避ける意味で。
  • 企業内のアプリケーションニーズとして、i) 企業内のITインフラの教養範囲を超えるリソースが必要な場合、ii) 急激なトラフィックが発生してリソースを一時的に必要とするとき、などの場合に、Cloud Computingを利用する。
これはPrivate Cloudと呼ばれる、企業内のITを完全にCloud Computing環境に移行するソリューションとは異なる。 
  • CloudBursting: A Hybrid Approach to the Cloud

    August 28th, 2008 : Rich Miller

    How can businesses leverage the cloud without losing the comfort and control of in-house data center operations? Amazon Web Services evangelist Jeff Barr says many companies are following a middle path that combines the best of both worlds. Jeff has coined a term for this hybrid approach: cloudbursting.  

    Jeff defines cloudbursting as "an application hosting model which combines existing corporate infrastructure with new, cloud-based infrastructure to create a powerful, highly scalable application hosting environment." Here's his description of how it works: 

    A pattern is starting to emerge. The conservative side advocates keeping core business processes inside of the firewall. The enthusiasts want to run on the cloud. They argue back and forth for a while, and eventually settle on a really nice hybrid solution. In a nutshell, they plan to run the steady state business processing on existing systems, and then use the cloud for periodic or overflow processing.

    This hybrid approach may not slow the interest in private clouds that employ cloud computing concepts to run apps more efficiently in corporate data centers, but it will raise awareness of different ways to manage the risks and rewards presented by third-party clouds.
