
Capgemini and Amazon Web Services Announce Collaboration

MSPの大手、CapGemini社とAmazon Web ServicesがCloud Computingで新たな協業戦略を行う、と発表した。


1) Microsoft SharePoint In The Cloud

2) Oracle ERP In The Cloud

3) Application Development and Testing In The Cloud

AWSのインフラを使ったアプリケーションサービス事業の新たなスタイルとして今後似たような事業が現れることが想定される。  また、CapGemini社が今更AWSに対抗したデータセンタインフラを構築するのは既に遅すぎる、という判断をした、ということも類推される。  AWSがいよいよUtility Computingとしての位置づけを明確にした、という意味合いでも評価できる、と考える。 


The AWS ecosystem grew again today, when Capgemini announced that they will collaborate with Amazon Web Services by forming a new Center of Excellence focused on Cloud Computing—and AWS in particular. This means that Capgemini will have a team of Amazon Web Services-trained professionals, located in North America, Europe and India, to provide a variety of services. They will initially focus on three enterprise use cases: Microsoft SharePoint in the cloud, Oracle ERP in the cloud, and Application Development and Testing in the cloud. Capgemini is headquartered in Paris, France and operates in more than 36 countries with 86,000 people in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region.

Ecosystems are important. In traditional computing environments a healthy ecosystem includes ISVs, Solution Integrators, and Solution Providers—just to name a few. We're starting to see the same ecosystem form around Amazon Web Services, which not only validates the platform: it provides value to Enterprise customers who want to move their operations into the cloud.

You can read the complete press release here.