サーバアプリケーションの下に仮想OS(zeOS)を置き、アプリケーションと組み合わせた形で複数のOS間をアプリケーションを変更ナシで移動できる、という構造。 現在Windows、Linux、Solarisをサポート。 複数のCloud Computing環境の間も自在に移動できる事もアピール。
アプリケーションの移行性のみならず、現在Cloud Computing環境でサポートされていないさまざまなインフラアプリケーションやMiddleware、(i.e.: DB2、Appsphere、WebLogic、Oracle Apps、等)を簡単にAmazon Web ServiceやGoGridに移行できることが画期的である。
AppZero, formally Trigence, demonstrated a different approach to allowing organizations to take advantage of the computing resources made available by hosting suppliers at Demo 09. Rather than taking the approach that is typically proposed by the suppliers of virtual machine technology, AppZero's approach is to encapsulate applications rather than complete desktop or server environments. Application virtualization software suppliers, such as AppZero, suggest that this approach means that the images projected into the Cloud would be smaller, easier to manage and can be made compatible with a larger number of suppliers of cloud computing infrastructure.
I've written about this technology before and believe it could solve some of the problems organizations have with Cloud Computing. (See Trigence Virtual Application Appliances - point, click, you're done)
Here's what AppZero has to say about their technology
AppZero (formerly Trigence) is launching today at the DEMO 09 Conference a set of tools for creating Virtual Application Appliances (VAAs). This new approach to provisioning and deploying applications on physical or virtual servers running anywhere, is designed for the cloud environment and for movement of server applications -datacenter to cloud, hosting environment, or cloud to cloud. VAAs package a server application with all of its dependencies, but no operating system component (zero OS). AppZero's first public demonstration of its VAA technology will show a live production application provisioned in seconds to on an Amazon EC2 cloud, and moved in less than one minute to a GoGrid cloud computing environment.
Designed for instant server-based application provisioning and deployment, VAAs enable an application to run wherever the business requires without the burdensome licensing issues that inclusion of an operating system (OS) introduces - VAAs contain zero OS. AppZero VAAs work with mission-critical applications across all tiers: web servers, application servers and database servers. Enterprise middleware from Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and Open Source servers like MySQL as well as in-house developed applications can all be easily transformed into VAAs without changing a single line of code.
Cloud providers, integrators, ISVs and IT professionals find AppZero's wizard-based tools simple to use for creating VAAs and provisioning them on servers at the click of a mouse. This instant provisioning allows scalable resources to be used on a pay-per-use basis, without cloud lock-in.
AppZero software creates, maintains, and administers VAAs. The key enabler of AppZero's VAA toolset is isolation and encapsulation technology created at Trigence, an early developer of multi-platform datacenter virtualization technology. Under its new name, AppZero, the company is focused on extending the proven concept of virtual appliances to server applications.
Snapshot analysis
I've often pointed out that virtual machine technology is a powerful tool to use to create a consolidated environment. I've also pointed out that many times it is not the proper tool to use when raw performance, scalability, reliability or availability is the goal (see When is virtual machine technology the wrong choice?). Even when consolidation is the goal, operating system virtualization/partioning might be a better choice if all of the workloads are hosted by the same operating environment.
Application virtualization technology, such as that being offered by AppZero and its competitors, may be a better choice when the goal is projecting an application that is hosted internally into the clouds for scalability or performance reasons.
AppZero has some clever ways to make Cloud Computing a viable choice without also requiring that organizations become experts in Cloud Computing. That being said, the company faces competition that has different, but equally powerful approaches to application virtualization. AppZero has to make decision-makers aware of their technology and why it is a better approach than that being offered by these and other competitors.
If your organization is considering deploying Cloud Computing, it would be worth the time to visit AppZero's website and view the videos about the use of their technology.