SaaS platform pitfalls and strategy - Part 2
In part 1, I discussed my views on the top 10 mistakes that vendors make while designing a SaaS platform as described in the post at GigaOM. This post, the part 2, has my strategic recommendations to SaaS vendors on some of the important topics that are typically excluded from the overall platform strategy.Don't simply reduce TCO, increase ROI: According to an enterprise customer survey carried out by McKinsey and SandHill this year, the buying centers for SaaS are expected to shift towards the business with less and less IT involvement. A SaaS vendor should design a platform that not only responds to the changing and evolving business needs of a customer but can also adapt to changing macro-economic climate to server customer better. Similarly a vendor should carve out a Go To Market strategy targeting the businesses to demonstrate increased ROI and not necessarily just reduced TCO even if they are used selling a highly technical component to IT.
The Long Tail: SaaS approach enables a vendor to up-sell a solution to existing customers that is just a click-away and does not require any implementation efforts. A vendor should design a platform that can identify the customer's ongoing needs based on the current information consumption, usage, and challenges and tap into a recommendation engine to up-sell them. A well-designed platform should allow vendors to keep upgrade simple, customers happy, and users delighted.
Hybrid deployment: The world is not black and white for the customers; the deployment landscape is almost never SaaS only or on-premise only. The customers almost always end up with a hybrid approach. A SaaS platform should support the integration scenarios that spans across SaaS to on-premise. This is easier said than done but if done correctly SaaS can start replacing many on-premise applications by providing superior (non)ownership experience. A typical integration scenario could be a recruitment process that an applicant begins outside of a firewall on a SaaS application and the process gradually moves that information into an enterprise application behind the firewall to complete the new hire workflow and provision an employee into the system. Another scenario could be to process a lead-to-order on SaaS and order-to-cash on on-premise.
Ability to connect to other platforms: It would be a dire mistake to assume standalone existence of any platform. Any and all platforms should have open, flexible, and high performance interfaces to connect to other platforms. Traditionally the other platforms included standard enterprise software platforms but now there is a proliferation in the social network platforms and a successful SaaS player would be the one who can tap into such organically growing social networking platforms. The participants of these platforms are the connectors for an organization that could speed up cross-organizational SaaS adoption across silos that have been traditional on-premise consumers.
Built for change: Rarely a platform is designed that can predict the technical, functional, and business impact when a new feature is included or an existing feature is discarded. Take internationalization (i18n) as an example. The challenges associated to support i18n are not necessarily the resources or money required to translate the content into many languages (Facebook crowdsourced it) but to design platform capabilities that can manage content in multiple languages efficiently. Many platform vendors make a conscious choice (rightfully so) not to support i18n in early versions of the platform. However rarely an architect designs the current platform that can be changed predictably in the future to include a feature that was omitted. The design of a platform for current requirements and a design for the future requirements are not mutually exclusive and a good architect should be able to draw a continuum that has change predictability.

Vendors should also virtualize the core components of the platform such as multi-tenancy and not just limit their virtualization efforts to the deployment options. Multi-tenancy can be designed in many different ways at each layer such as partitioning the database, shared-nothing clusters etc. The risks and benefits of these approaches to achieve non-functional characteristics such as scalability, performance, isolation etc. change over a period of time. Virtualizing the multi-tenancy allows a vendor to manage the implementation, deployment, and management of a platform independent of constantly moving building components and hence guarantee the non-functional characteristics.
Don't bypass IT: Instead make friends with them and empower them to server users better. Even if IT may not influence many SaaS purchase decisions IT is politically well-connected and powerful organization that can help vendors in many ways. Give IT what they really want in a platform such as security, standardization, and easy administration and make them mavens of your products and platform.
Platform for participation: Opening up a platform to the ecosystem should not be an afterthought instead it should be a core strategy to platform development and consumption. In early years eBay charged the developers to use their API and that inhibited the growth which later forced eBay to make it free and that decision helped eBay grow exponentially. I would even suggest to open source few components of the platform and also allow developers to use the platform the way they want without SaaS being the only deployment option.
Platform Agnostic: The programming languages, hardware and deployment options, and UI frameworks have been changing every few years. A true SaaS platform should be agnostic to these building components and provide many upstream and downstream alternatives to build applications and serve customers. This may sound obvious but vendors do fall into "cool technology" trap and that devalues the platform over a period of time due to inflexibility to adopt to changing technology landscape
cloud computing / Mon, 21 Jul 2008 16:05:00 GMT
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