

このレポートを出しているのはResearch and Market社

PaaS popularity predicted to rise

Updated: 2009-12-16

A range of PaaS solutions will start to challenge the dominance of SaaS over the next several years as companies vie for greater flexibility over their cloud computing applications, according to a recent report.

Popular web application frameworks will spin off into a number of different PaaS platforms, and these alternative cloud computing platforms will capture a greater degree of market share over the next three to five years as developers look for more ways to customize their cloud computing deployments, a Research and Markets report found.

"Over the next three to five years, the rationale for building applications on top of SaaS-provided PaaS will become less compelling," Research and Markets said.

The report predicted that PaaS providers such as J2EE, SpringSource, .NET and LAMP would start to eat into the market share of Force.com, the leading cloud computing platform, as developers gain expertise and want more control over their applications.

Cloud computing has become one of the fastest-growing information technology sectors in recent years as software developers have adjusted to the opportunities presented by broadband internet connections. Major PaaS providers such as Salesforce.com allow enterprises to run software applications over the internet in order to save valuable in-house resources.
