
Thinking Out Cloud: Open APIs and Cloud Computing Standards

Cloud Computingのアプリケーション開発環境をオープン化しているベンダーが登場している。
その中で、GoGrid社が非常にユニークが動きを見せていて、Cloud Computingベンダー間のインターオペラビリティをGoGrid APIを軸に展開している、との事。  既にFlexiscale社、Rightscale社、Eucalyptus社等が協業している。 

My previous post, Beware Premature Elaboration, discussed some of the issues around cloud computing standards. If you want to hear more about the topic, and especially GoGrid, one of the most innovative cloud providers in the market, check out the Overcast Show #6. My co-host, James Urquhart, and I interview Randy Bias and Michael Sheehan of GoGrid.

We discuss many topics (see Show Notes below), but I think the most interesting is the fact that GoGrid recently open sourced their API specification. As I said before, this is the right way to go. We have a number of open source APIs, including GoGrid, EUCALYPTUS, Enomaly and others, and now the market will start determining the winner.

The GoGrid case is particularly interesting because of two main reasons. The first is that it is a proven API that is up and running in production and reflects a lot of experience from the trenches. The second is they are making a proactive attempt to reach out to other cloud providers and other members in the ecosystem to support their API, as Randy discusses in the podcast.

Listen to the podcast here.

Here are the full Show Notes:

Show Notes:

After a long hiatus we are back with the Overcast podcast. In Show #6 we have a discussion with Randy Bias and Michael Sheehan of GoGrid. Some of the topics we cover include:

  • The distinction that Randy and Michael have made in their blog posts between a Cloudcenter and Infrastructure Web Services, and the different approach GoGris is taking to cloud computing compared to Amazon Web Services
  • The role of Platform-as-a-Service players, such as Google App Engine, and a glimpse into some of GoGrid's thoughts on opening up their infrastructure for other to offer a PaaS on top of it 
  • Cloud computing standards -- do we need them now and it what is the correct approach for achieving them? 
  • GoGrid's recent open sourcing of their APIand their efforts to work with other cloud providers and related vendors and projects (such as FlexiscaleRightScale andEucalyptus) to rally around the GoGrid API
  • The role of projects such as Puppet andChef in cloud computing, and GoGrid's plans for these technologies 
  • GoGrid's Cloud Connect offering - a hybrid model for dedicated and cloud-style hosting  
  • GoGrid's storage offering 
  • and more...