
ActivIdentity社がSaaS事業を開始:スマートカード/ PKIセキュリティベンダがクラウド事業に転換

ID管理ソリューションのベンダーの一つである、ActivIdentity社が自社のセキュリティソリューションをサービス化した、という内容の発表。 自社が買収したCoreStreetという会社の技術を適用する、との事。 
ActivIdentityは特に政府向け案件に強く、スマートカードセキュリティやPKIを使った認証サービスを提供していた。 この顧客層からSaaSにニーズを拾い上げてサービス事業への転換を図ったといえる。

ActivIdentity launches cloud computing security services

Updated: 2010-01-19

Authentication and credential management provider ActivIdentity announced Tuesday that it will launch new cloud computing services to help web-based security service providers defend against threats and identity fraud.

ActivIdentity recently acquired CoreStreet, an identity validation provider, and willintegrate that firm's offerings into its cloud computing services. Company representatives said that the security initiative's subscription-based service model could be an attractive option for businesses that are already facing budget constraints.

"Our cloud computing strategy was inspired by feedback from our customers and service providers, indicating a growing desire to move from security solutions to security services," said ActivIdentity chairman and chief executive Grant Evans.

The new web-based security services could appeal to vertical markets in a number of different sectors where identity validation and protection is essential, including government and financial services, the company noted.

A number of analysts have remarked on the quality of security services offered in the cloud. Gartner found in one study that SaaS-based security services have the potential to offer faster scalability at lower costs than equivalent-capacity onsite solutions.ADNFCR-2178-ID-19566629-ADNFCR