


●  Amazon EC2の収益は年ごとに伸びており、現時点では $5000~7000万ドルを達成している、という見方がある。Googleとしてはこの収益は魅力的であるはず。
●  Googleは世界中に合計1000万台を超えるサーバインフラを持っており、EC2サービスを提供する環境は十分整っている。
●  GoogleはEC2サービスを提供する人員と才能も十分に持っている
●  Google Storage(Amazon S3相当)は既にベータに突入、ユーザが急増している。AmazonのEC2ビジネスもS3ビジネスがまず先行してから登場している。

●  ビジネスユースとしてGoogleを採用する、という考え方はまだ市場に浸透していない。ストレージ程度ならWeb 2.0ベンダーや個人ユーザでそれ形の成長が見込まれるが、EC2事業は必ずセキュリティ、運用管理、それ相当のSLA、等、ビジネスに関連した要件が伴う事業である。 Googleが今まで本格的に参入していない領域であり、以外とノウハウが無いのでは、という懸念がある。
●  現在の市場シェアは、AWSとRightscaleの2社でサーバ台数ベースで70%を占めている。それぞれのプラットホーム上での3rd Party Software市場もそれ相当に成長しており、Googleのこの市場への参入は少しずつ遅すぎる可能性が高い。Microsoft社ですらもかなり苦戦を強いられている状況である。


[Link] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neoTactics/~3/cbJDtlpg7Tk/rumor-mill-google-ec2-competitor-coming-in-2010

Amazon has built AWS in such a way that all of the services are synergistic, but in particular, EC2 is dependent on S3 as a persistent storage system of record. EC2 AMIs originate from and are stored in S3, it's the long term backing store for Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and EBS snapshots, and it's safe to assume that many other kinds of critical data that AWS relies on are stored there.

Would Google take a different approach? It's doubtful. Amazon's S3 is built to be a highly scalable storage platform[2]. Google's own GoogleFS and BigTable server similar purposes. It's certain that Google would use related design principles and hence we could see the Google Storage as a prelude to a Google on-demand virtual server service (Google Servers???).

Combined with the rumor I heard from a reasonably informed source I think we can look forward to an EC2 competitor, hopefully this year.

What I want to bring to folks attention here is that if another credible heavyweight enters into this market it will have a tremendous impact in further driving the utilitization of cloud services. In the medium term it will also threaten hosting providers and 'enterprise clouds'.

Why? I think what many hosting providers fail to understand is that Amazon and Google, particularly if fueled by direct competition, must grow up into the enterprise space. Just as in the Innovator's Dilemma, they will eventually provide most of the features of any 'enterprise' cloud, which means that if you aren't building to be competitive with Amazon and Google, you aren't in the public cloud game.

Much more detail on this in a future posting.

[1] My best would have been that Google put more weight behind PaaS solutions like Google App Engine (GAE) and related, which are more 'google-y'.
[2] See the whitepaper (PDF) on their Dynamo technology behind S3. Also check out Riak from Basho that is designed around the same techniques.

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