"Essentially, what SeaMicro integrated onto a board, we integrated onto a chip," Bailey told InternetNews.com.
"Many of the tasks in cloud, like looking at a database for a piece of data or serving up some text and images, can be done on a much smaller core than an x86. An x86 for Web serving is overkill. The x86 architecture evolved over the last 20 years to do very large tasks, and there is need for that. But much of what goes on in [the] cloud doesn't need that large core, although you're still burning up processing time on it," he said.

クラウド環境の運用に適している点は、一つのチップ上で複数のOSやアプリケーションを稼動する事が可能になる。 この際に、それぞれのインスタンスは物理的にコアが異なっているので(コンパイラが物理的に分ける)、Multi-Tenancyの必要な環境には最適である。