
OpenStackに対する、VMWareの反応: 同調しつつも、少し反論


Rackspaceは元々自社のクラウドインフラをCitrix のXenServerをベースに開発者しているため、Citrixとしては、OpenStackはVMWareに対向する切り札として位置付けている、と表明している。

対してVMWare社の反応はあまり明確なものが今のところ出ていない。今時点で明確になっているのは、Director of Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)という役職にいるWinston Bumpus氏による下記のコメントである。

We're huge supporters of open source software efforts, having placed major bets on Spring and RabbitMQ, among others. And while open source makes sense for some product offerings, open standards provide interoperability between open sourced, shared sourced, and private sourced implementations.



Additionally, we don't confuse open standards with open source. Open source is a collaborative development process for creating an implementation of a product or service while open standards are developed by a collaborative process to ensure interoperability among various competing product offerings.



We love providing customers choice of hardware, operating systems, management platforms and cloud computing platforms. We expect to see all sorts of cloud computing implementations that will provide customers a range of price points, features, benefits and specs based on their requirements.

But what's most important to us as it relates to these various implementations – those that currently exist and those that are still to come – is that the interfaces work together so that true choice is possible.
